Montag, 27. Dezember 2010

We'll Always Have Paris

I love this nailpolish. Really. I Think everyone who was in paris once know what I'm talking about.
It's like this passion and the magic over there. Beautiful. So there's  lot of seintimentle stuff going on and I need to get this.
We'll always have Paris from OPI

Ich liebe diesen Nagellack und ich glaube jeder, der einmal in Paris war, weiß wo von ich rede.
Dort ist dieser Zauber, diese Magie und das überall. Wundervoll. Also verbinde ich da ne menge sentimentales mit. Ich muss diesen Nagellack haben.
We'll always have Paris(Wir werden immer noch Paris haben) von OPI

Thank you.
Yours Alina

Freitag, 24. Dezember 2010

Feist - Let it die // Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! :)
I get some perfect presents; more in my own blog CLICK
Let it die and get out of my mind
We don't see eye to eye
Or hear ear to ear

My christmas dress; H&M
Lips: Mac creme d'nude


Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2010

Mulberry – Alexa Chung Bag

Olivia Palermo with an Alexa Chung Bag – Mulberry. It coast definitely too much! Round about 1000€; okay maybe 999€ haha! Gosh. I don't like the fake bags of Primark...
ugly ugly UGLY! o___0'
Sorry guys, but this is so damn bad. Better than nothing, sure...but I think there are better Mulberry fakes than of Primark...(;

Whatever, I dream about this bad, a Miu Miu bag and many Apple stuff, like an iPad, iPhohne, iMac or Mac book pro ... hahaha ;D but I love my iPod Touch yeheep!

So cheers

Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2010

High Lights Fashion Shows 2010 part 1

There are so many beautful and exiting things happend in this year but also a lot of bad things or sad ones. Like in every kind of year. Now we start with the reviews to the year and I start with my personal High Lights from fashion shows.

In jedem Jahr gibt es eine Menge wunderschöner und aufregender Momentan aber auch eine Menge Schlechte oder Trauriger. Wie in jedem Jahr. Jetzt werden wir unseren Rückblick nieder schreiben, damit fange ich an, nämlich mit den Modeshows dieses Jahr, meine persönlichen Lieblinge.

Galliano, one of the most artically and beautiful shows I have ever seen.
Eine der künstlerischsten und schönesten Shows, die ich je gesehen habe
Chanel, the dresses were really pretty. A lot feathers a lot of glitter but in a very chic way very french very elegant. I don't think that it was a so special show for Chanel but I always like them to do stuff like that.

Wunderschöne Kleider, viele Federn, Glitzer...aber dennoch in einer eleganten chicen und französischen Art und Weise. Dennoch eine sehr typische Show, keine riesen Sache für das Label selber, aber ich sehe immer wieder gerne die Art von Chanel
Jean - Paul Gaultier crazy but beautiful as always. I love his creations and his work. This bag is my little High Light
Ausgeflippte Dinge, aber immer wunderschön. Ich liebe seine Kreationen. Diese Tasche war mein persönliches High Light.
The Kenzo Show. The clothers were like flying and the atmosphere was like an high society circus
Fliegende Kleider und eine Atmosphäre wie im High Society Zirkus
Other High lights during the weeks

Thanks for reading. You could also tell me your opinion.
yours Alina

Samstag, 11. Dezember 2010

Random Stuff 2

Love Blackberry Stuff

Joking with my friend Kira.
Shirt from Mango
Vest from H&M and leather jacket
Leggins from Vero Moda 
Bianco Boots
Box from Douglas
Puder by Chanel and the reading stuff by Schmorl und von Seefeld
Bought it and try to find out the difference. If you have any opinions to that topic just write a comment. I absolutly love the handcream from the body shop.

bye bye
yours Alina

Random Stuff

Beeing shopping at H&M with Christopher.
a nearly finished vest.

So guys these are just two random things. New Look and more stuff will come soon. ;D

yours Alina

Sonntag, 5. Dezember 2010

Samstag, 4. Dezember 2010

Lovely! No - hot :)

Sienna Miller♥
Gosh, I love her in "the edge of love" and "Factory Girl"
On tumblr I found a lot of amazing pictures of her; with red lipstick and so on.

Adorable, right? (:

Mona u rock! :)

Hey, I saw on the post about Mona Johannesson. Gosh, I saw the pictures of her and screamed MONA ! :D
She's absolutly my favourite model yeah...


What to do if you feel bored.

I had a taff day yesterday and I did draw a picture with make-up.
I love this make up so I'm going to tell you what I used and...yeah sorry for the light. I just took a picture pretty fast.

I used Sable and Nacked Lunch from Mac
The eyeshadow 21 from Artdeco
The pigment from H&M purple dust
and two lipsticks from p2 Regent street and Sunset Boulevard

See you soon
yours Alina

Freitag, 3. Dezember 2010

Two short Tips

First of all I found a page. And you get all the fashion cheaper than it truely is.
So have a look. A special look on the outlet stuff and the vintage ones. Amazing.

Tiziana Fausti

The second tipp is for all of you guys who want to buy a cheaper Chanel bag. It's pretty difficult but I found one on ebay. I would love to buy it so why not you guys as well ;D

Chanel Bag

That's it already.

yours, Alina

Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 2010

A Single Man (Soundtrack) - 15 Swimming♥

Hello my dears (:
Today was a nice day, yep. I was shopping with Alina, cuz she showed me the shop VILA. She wanted to buy a dress, but it was to expesive, arrw that wasn't good. Buuut I bought a cardigan for 24,95€; it's the same which wars Alina in the post with her dress.

This one u get, if u bought's lip balm and smells like rose...

A picture of our christmas light in the city!(:

Cheers. ;*

The Vila day...the half of it ;D

Ok here are the pictures.

earwamer from clockhouse, gloves from Dior(about 1986) stolen from my grannie xD

don't know exactly how much the clothers behind the glas are...but under 30 euro

So I went in and had to make a decision. I did and these are the results.

little jacket about 25 euro. The dress about 35 and the bracelett about 13 euro.

The dress is also pretty good to have a tiny vaste.

Alright that's it. 
Yours Alina.

Vila Fashion / Store Opening

The store just opened in the Ernst-August Galerie in hanover. To be correct today I think in half an hour. I'm going to visit it. Of course. But yesterday I looked up the homepage. So u can also order it over the internet. But  the clothers are totally amazing. I did some pictures myself yesterday. But I try to do it later as well.
So now the Pictures and prices and so on.

Heute, genau heute eröffnet der Laden "Vila" in der Ernst-August Galerie in Hannover. Ich werde ihm selbstredend einen Besuch abstatten. Ich habe gestern schon Fotos von den Auslagen gemacht. Den Schaufenster puppen. Ich versuche heute noch welche erfassen zu können und sie dann alle auf einmal rein zu posten. 
Wuhuuu also:

The main page
Die Hauptseite:

And now I'm going to show you guys some of my favorite clothers. Just a few. The decition was hard xD
Ich werde mal meine Lieblingskleider verlinken, aber nur ein paar von denen. Entscheidungen sind schon was böses.
don't forget to have a look at the colors you can see the stuff also in different colors.
Achtet drauf, ihr könnt auch die Farbe auswählen und es wird dann ein anderes Bild angezeigt.
That's it. Hopefully you are going to see more pretty soon.
Das wars. Hoffentlich kommt bald noch eine vollständige Ausarbeitung.

yours Alina

H&M Weihnachten

H&M hat eine neue Linie raus gebracht. Es ist echt einen Besuch wert.
Kleider für 9.95. Also wirklich Preise, die angebracht sind bei H&M eigentlich.
Es sind schöne Stücke dabei...also seht sie euch einfach mal an ;D

Eure Alina

Hier zur H&M Seite